Generic Todo is a powerful and versatile module developed by the Center of Research & Development company. With Generic Todo, users can create and assign custom todo tasksĀ that are tailored to their individual needs, helping to save time and maximize productivity. Additionally, Generic Todo is integrated with other modules, enabling users to further extend their capabilities and take full advantage of the Odoo platform. This comprehensive module is a great tool for any organization looking to increase efficiency and productivity.
After installing the module, it will be available in the main dashboard menu on the left.
Go to the Simple Todos page to view all the Todos of that type.
Note! It is possible to add an unlimited number of custom types to the system.
To create a new todo clickĀ Create and perform the following actions:
1.Ā In the field marked purple enter the name of the todo.
2. Select the responsible employee.
3.Type a description in the text box.
4. ClickĀ SaveĀ on the left at top.
To begin completing the todo task, press the Start button. The task will now be marked as "In Progress".
The todo task can be marked as completed, paused, or cancelled.
You can view all the created todos in the Simple Todos tab, which includes the date of creation, name, responsible employee, task status and date of last action.