We are happy to introduce to you our new Bureaucrat release. A lot of work had been done during the past months.
We are releasing 3 new addons. We have added new features and improve UI for website. We have created addons that allows to display related requests and related documents on request page on website. Also, we have added new addon, that allows to show additional info about request's participants.
Our focus for this release was UI and automation improvements. Thus, we have implemented Readmore feature for both internal and external interface and we have added more events that could be automated with automated actions.
Also, we are publishing new crnd_mail_mailbox addon. This addon restores Odoo functionality, that was used to manage corporate mailboxes in Odoo 11 and was removed in Odoo 12. Also, it adds few new mail discussion folders: Sent, Received, All.
Migration notes. In this release we have merged into core three addons (generic_request_kind, generic_request_priority, crnd_wsd_kind). All required migration scripts provided, but be careful, and do backup before upgrade. Also, please, update all addons at once or update base module, idealy perform update from CLI. For more info, check our article How to safely upgrade Odoo addons.
Bureaucrat Helpdesk Lite now available on GitHub. Within this release, we have published our Bureaucrat Helpdesk Lite bundle on our GitHub account: bureaucrat-helpdesk-lite.
Try Our Modules
You can already try our Helpdesk, Service Desk and ITSM solutions for Odoo13 on yodoo.systems. See direct links.
Helpdesk Lite Helpdesk Plus Helpdesk Pro Helpdesk Ultimate
Service Desk Service Desk Plus Service Desk Pro Service Desk Ultimate
Automation improvements
During work on this release our main focus for automation was to improve automation of workflows that use subrequests and workflows that use project tasks.
Automate workflow that use subrequests
We have added a lot of new features that allow to easily automate workflows that use subrequests
Easily handle subrequest's events in parent request
We have added following new events that could be handled by request event actions:
Subrequest stage changed
Subrequest closed
All subrequests closed
Easily handle parent request's events in child requests
We have added following new events that could be handled by request event actions:
Parent request stage changed
Parent request closed
Parent request changed
Automate workflows that use project tasks
We have added a lot of new features that simplifies automation of worklows that use project tasks
Easily handle task's events in request
We have added following new events that could be handled by request event actions:
Task stage changed
Task closed
All tasks closed
Easily detect project for automatically created tasks
We have added new options to detect project for automatically created tasks:
Fixed (select fixed project for tasks)
Select project by domain (specify domain, and first project that match this domain will be selected)
Select project by python expression (specify python expression, that will be used to compute project for task
Also, we have added following generic improvements to automation capabilities of Bureaucrat:
Request event instance could now could be used in any jinja2 templates in Request Event Actions via event variable.
Added ability to optionally transfer author of parent request to subrequest created by automated action (request event action)
Other notable improvements
In this release we have applied a lot of efforts to improve User Interface and usability of Bureaucrat

Readmore / Readless feature in web UI
It is a common case when support requests contains images or long pieces of techinical information, and it is borring to scroll down this request to reach chatter or other controlls below request text. To solve thi issue, we have added Readmore / Readless feature for request text and request response: only small piece of request text is shown by default and link to show full text is displayed below.
Readmore / Readless feature in website UI
Also we have added readmore / readless feature to website interface. This feature increases usability of external user interface in case of requests with long descriptions or with a lot of images or other technical data that usualy present in support requests.
Especialy, this feature looks very nice, when request has subrequests or related requests or related document, thus user can see them immediatly, instead of scrolling few pages down to reach them

Show related request and documents
We have improved view and usability of request page on website. Now there are related requests, sub requests and related documents displayed.
We have added two new addons to display here related requests and related documents:
Note, that if current user viewing page has no access to request or document, he will no see link to request, only request number.
Show author and creator on request page
Historically, we had displayed only creator of request on request page on website. But with this release, we update request page to be consistent with internal interface and displayed author of request, and in case when author and creator of request are different (for example request is created by engineer on behalf of customer) we display both author and creator.

Text colors in text editor
With this release we have update our text editor to newer version. And we have added ability to change foreground and background colors of text when creating new request or editing request text of sending comment.
Also, we have removed Insert Image toolbar button in text editor, which was confusing for our clients.
Redirect user to My Requests page after action on request page on website
By default, when user do some action on website, only stage of request is changed, and user see same page. But, in some cases, for example, when user closes request, it is better to redirect user to list of request, thus he could process next request, without need of extra actions.
This feature is useful for workflows, where approvements implemented as subrequests.

Info about request's participants
We have added new addon crnd_wsd_hr that add info about participants of request on website. When use is emploee information from employee will be used. If user is not employee then information from related contact will be used.
Improved UI for generic assignments
Before this release, assignment rules was available only via smart-button which requires aextra actions to read them. With this release we all assignment rules will be visible on assignment policy form view.

Add comment when assigning request manually to someone.
It is usualy case, when you need to assign request to someone, because this request is related to his work. So, we have added comment field on assign wizard, thus you can easily add note, describing why you assing this request to selected user.
Select service, category and type in correct order during creation of request
Starting with this release, we make request creation consistent in both, external and internal inrerfaces. From now, it does not matter if we create request using internal interface or external: in both cases we have to select request service first, then request category then request type.

Added wizard to change parent of request
In this release we have added ability to change parent of requests. It is possible to change parent of single request. Also it is possible to change parent of multiple requests at same time.
With new request event type (Parent request changed) introduced in this release, it is also possible to configure system to automatically close requests when parent request is closed.
Graph view for requests
In this release we have added graph view for requests.
Following entities now could be viewed as graphs:
SLA Control

Technical data moved to separate tab
Before this release, we used smart-buttons to provide access to technical records related to request (for example: request events, SLA Log lines, trigger events), thus buttonbox on request from was overwhelmed with rarely used elements.
In this release, we moved all such elements in separate tab on request form. This tab is visible only in developer model, so after this change UI looks simpler and seems more friendly.
New addons not related to Bureaucrat
CR&D Mailbox
We have implemented our own mailbox addon for Odoo 12, that restores functionality of corporate mails in Odoo (that was removed in Odoo 12) and adds following folders to discuss app:
Addon is available on Odoo Apps: crnd_mail_mailbox

Configure fields visible on customer checkout on website
It is often case, when customers ask us to simplify checkout process for Odoo. thus we have released new addon - crnd_website_sale_simple_checkout, that allows to specify what fields have to be shown on checkout page for customer, what fields have to be required on checkout page.